As 2016 comes to a close, I am thrilled to report that Redemption Housing has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS! You are now able to deduct all end-of-year donations made to Redemption Housing, as well as any previous contributions that were made after May 10, 2016.
We were told that determination could have taken between 3-9 months and rejoice that the review process lasted less than 30 days! The timing couldn’t be better; we have a goal before the end of the year to find 20 donors who would be willing to join us with commitments of $40/month. Have you considered becoming a monthly supporter? It only takes a few minutes to make your end-of-the-year, tax-deductible donation in support of Philadelphia’s homeless and formerly incarcerated. Click the button below to donate today!
But wait, there’s more!
Please join us in welcoming our two newest board members: Lori Banfield and Robert Kuehl. You can read more about Lori and Robert on our leadership page. We are excited for the passion and experience they bring to our team, and they are both eager serve those who are transitioning from incarceration to community.
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