We have a house! We need your help!

Redemption Housing was recently awarded a modest grant, providing the funding to launch the Next Level Program! Because it is often difficult for returning citizens to earn a living wage, even when they are doing everything right, they might find themselves struggling...

Explaining The Mass Incarceration Crisis

Cory Booker shares the reality of our mass incarceration crisis. While our nation is home to 5 percent of the worlds’ population, we house 25 percent of its prisoners. The federal prison population has increased by over 800% in the last 30 years. Don’t you think...

Seeing God’s Movement Towards Redemption in Isaiah 11

“The wolf will romp with the lamb, the leopard sleep with the kid. Calf and lion will eat from the same trough, and a little child will tend them. Cow and bear will graze the same pasture, their calves and cubs grow up together, and the lion eat straw like the ox. The...