by Blog Admin | Oct 27, 2016 | Guest Post
I work as a mental health therapist at an agency around the corner from the Adult Probation and Parole Department in Philadelphia. It is not uncommon to arrive to work in the morning and find a line of folks stretching down the block as they wait to get in and meet...
by Blog Admin | Jul 27, 2016 | Word from the Directors
When the Israelites began their return from exile in Babylon to their native Jerusalem in the 6th century B.C., many of those who returned wept out of sorrow rather than joy. These men and women were overwhelmed by the fact that their homeland, Jerusalem, and the...
by Nick Lordi | Jul 11, 2016 | Word from the Directors
As a society, we fear and despise those returning citizens who have been convicted of sexual offenses. We don’t want them near our schools or in our neighborhoods. Employers won’t offer them jobs, so they often find themselves living on the streets. Redemption Housing...
by Nick Lordi | Jun 16, 2016 | Video
Loneliness is often the driving factor that keeps people in addition, as they would do anything other than face the realities of their lives and the consequences of their actions. Therefore, as this video points out: “The path out of unhealthy bonds, is to form...
by Nick Lordi | May 23, 2016 | Word from the Directors
A Core PartnershipThe role of the Church is central to our programming at Redemption Housing. We believe that the redemptive process begins as our residents are accepted into local congregations, and the church becomes a more complete reflection of the Lord’s Kingdom...
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