Explaining The Mass Incarceration Crisis

Cory Booker shares the reality of our mass incarceration crisis. While our nation is home to 5 percent of the worlds’ population, we house 25 percent of its prisoners. The federal prison population has increased by over 800% in the last 30 years. Don’t you think...

We Need Your Help!

You have been waiting 8 years for this day. There were times when you thought you were going to die in prison, but you made it. You’re back. You have a bed at the local shelter, and the church’s soup kitchen around the corner is providing your meals....

Knowing—and Facing—the Challenges of Incarceration

“In Philadelphia, at least 35,000 persons return from prison and jail every year.” As followers of Christ, we are called to proclaim release to captives. Ministries like Redemption Housing and Philadelphia’s LIFE Ministry at Living Gospel are on the front lines of...

The Latest from Redemption Housing

Happy New Year! At Redemption Housing, we are excited for the prospects that 2017 will bring and look forward to meeting like-minded partners, donors, and volunteers. Together, we concluded 2016 by exceeding our end-of-year goals and are now more than halfway towards...

Reentry, through Relationship

Returning to the community from prison is a difficult process for ex-offenders as well as for the families and communities they return to. Upon reentering society, the formerly incarcerated person might struggle with a lingering addiction, a lack of education and job...

Injustice and Hope in a Berks County Parking Lot

Berks County. The parking lots are always busy around the Berkshire Mall just west of Reading. Strip malls, shopping plazas, hotels, and restaurants, as far as the eye can see. If the religion of materialism had a god, surely it would live in this neighborhood. I’ve...

New Year, New Day

I’ve never been very good at making (or keeping) New Year’s resolutions. I have some vague goals, but they are generally not specific to a new year, and tend to be goals I set throughout the year. I don’t know, I just do not really like New Year’s goals. I mean, the...